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Improving ScreenRx® with direct member outreach from our Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacists

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Through the ScreenRx solution, we are able to identify certain members who may benefit from education on medication adherence. Our Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacists provide personalized recommendations through counseling members to support their need to overcome adherence barriers and achieve healthier outcomes. Our TRC pharmacists support in several ways:

  • Automated outbound diagnostic calls 
    • During this outbound diagnostic call, members have the option of electing to transfer to a pharmacist for a live phone discussion.
    • If the member elects to be transferred to a pharmacist, one of our Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacists will engage in a live phone discussion relevant to the member's prescription history and condition(s).
  • Improving the ScreenRx Solution – proactive Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacist outreach
    • Some members need extra support to close critical gaps in care. Occasionally, our Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacists will directly reach out to members via direct phone call to offer education and support in order to improve medication adherence.

Improving ScreenRx® with direct member outreach

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We look forward to helping your members improve their medication adherence.