Chandler Health Center

Explore our services
33.3055493, -111.8734864
1717 W. Chandler Blvd.
Chandler, AZ 85224
United States
(Closed 12 p.m.-1 p.m.)
At the Chandler Health Center, you'll find one-stop convenience for your family's health care needs. From dedicated internal medicine doctors to behavioral specialists, and on-site lab services making health care for you and your loved ones accessible and convenient. We help you and your family stay on the right path with quality preventive care, chronic (long-term) condition management and treatment for illness or injury.
Our clinical pharmacy provides stress-free medication management under the same roof as your prescribing physician. We help you explore treatment options and monitor medication side effects, working closely with your physician. The skilled behavioral specialists at Chandler Health Center also offer mental health care to suit your family’s needs. We assist you in managing chronic (long-term) conditions, such as depression and anxiety, and connect you to community resources. In all ways, our goal is to provide care that supports your health, body and mind.