Evernorth MoreThanRxSM Services

Expanding access, affordability and speed of care with enhanced pharmacy services.

MoreThanRx hero
The impact of geography on health disparities

While almost 20 percent of the U.S. population lives in rural areas, less than 10 percent of U.S. physicians practice in these communities.1

For many, getting access to a primary care doctor when they need a prescription just isn’t easy, living in areas of the country with inadequate health care where hospitals, doctors and other health care providers are not easily accessible.

Care shortages leave millions without easy access to care

Physicians’ offices and urgent care clinics may be too far away from members’ homes with wait times that vary considerably depending on the number of people already in line to be seen.

These shortages of care can arise in both rural and urban areas due to geographic and economic limitations, and lead to disproportionate gaps in care for the people in these communities. When patients cannot easily access care, not only does it impact their health, but it also increases the potential for future costly medical claims.

care shortages

For many living in rural areas, access to care may be challenging to find

Issues of care access are widespread in the U.S., and where the demand for care exceeds the supply, patients experience longer wait times for the services they need. 


days is the average wait time for a physician appointment in 20222


Americans live 60 minutes or more from a hospital with trauma care3

All 50

states have at least one county without access to hospitals, primary care physicians and other health care providers4

Evernorth MoreThanRx

With a long history of launching solutions that close gaps in care, our goal has always been to provide members with opportunities that enable them to achieve their full health potential regardless of social, economic or environmental circumstances. MoreThanRx is a suite of solutions that opens new doors of access to patients through partnerships with retail pharmacies across the nation.

With over 65,000 pharmacies across the country employing over 300,000 pharmacists, pharmacist care has untapped potential that plan sponsors can leverage.

By using our size and scale to negotiate deeper discounts for our plan sponsors and billing through the pharmacy benefit, basic care products and services are delivered conveniently and quickly to pharmacies nationwide for communities in need—all for a fraction of the cost of visiting a doctor’s office.

Evernorth MoreThanRx

Untapped potential for plan sponsors

With over 65,000 pharmacies across the country and over 300,000 pharmacists employed, the potential of pharmacist care remains largely untapped, offering a valuable opportunity that plan sponsors can leverage.

Bringing access to basic care closer to home

We deliver convenient consultative and medical services at the pharmacy counter and through home delivery, billed under the pharmacy benefit to lower the cost of care. Pharmacists in our network can test for common disease and illness, immediately prescribe and fill the medication, and provide medication counseling often all in one visit.

Our suite of health care solutions includes:

Improving health equity and helping plans save

Our suite of solutions expands the services provided at the pharmacy to make it easier for members and their plans to manage their health and achieve better outcomes. 

Amplifying savings

Medical services billed under the pharmacy benefit are more affordable than what a traditional provider would charge on average

Expanding access

Members can receive needed testing, screenings, prescriptions, medication and medication counseling all in one place, from the pharmacist located just down the street

Accelerating care

Appointments are available days and evenings, 7 days a week, and members can often be seen on the same day that they call, rather than waiting for weeks at a time

IndependentRx Initiative

The MoreThanRx suite of products and services is just one of the ways we’re fulfilling our IndependentRx Initiative commitment to expand rural health care access through partnerships with independent pharmacies across the U.S.

Offering MoreThanRx products and services in independent pharmacies increases access to certain routine, preventive and chronic care services—driving new business growth opportunities for pharmacy owners and providing convenient care options for consumers.


Independent Pharmacy Advisory Committee

The IndependentRx initiative also recently created and convened an Independent Pharmacy Advisory Committee, which includes independent pharmacy owners from across the country. They meet to discuss how Evernorth and Express Scripts can and should work to enable an expanded role for pharmacists in the health care system.

Group at work
Explore more
Leveraging comprehensive medication reviews to manage chronic diseases
October 18, 2023
Social determinants of health play a bigger role than clinical care
October 03, 2023
The importance of expanding the pharmacist’s role in health care
July 24, 2023

Please contact your account representative or consultant relations director to discuss Evernorth MoreThanRx Services