Evernorth Specialty Management
Empowering plan sponsors with tools and solutions to make smart, effective benefit decisions in a complex specialty environment.

The complex, changing care environment
Changes in the specialty market are creating new paradigms that are causing increased concerns for benefit decision makers, and patient care for your specialty members is tough to consider when affordability stands in your way.
increase in specialty drugs on the market in the past 20 years1
expected new cancer patients diagnosed in 20242
potential physician shortage in the U.S. by 20363
Specialty treatment is complex and expensive
Evernorth Specialty Management partners to make specialty benefits simple and help manage costs.
Through Evernorth's specialty management solutions, you can count on:
+ Competitive specialty drug pricing
+ Deep clinical expertise
+ Unrivaled specialty drug access
+ Care beyond the prescription

Flexible options to manage specialty spend
Specialty can be a major driver of your total benefit spend. Our specialty services and solutions can help you get the most out of every health care dollar spent on specialty-related treatments, services and procedures.
specialty trend for payers after adopting our trend management solutions4
PMPM savings4
An ecosystem of clinical support resources is critical as the health care system faces physician shortages and a growing number of patients. Accredo, Evernorth's specialty pharmacy, connects the dots between patients, prescribers, case managers and beyond to take care of your specialty members' needs.

Supportive patient care
patient satisfaction rate among patients with rare conditions6
copay assistance coordinated for patients since 20167
increase in adherence following our proactive coaching8
Tools to support more informed benefit decisions
The evolving specialty landscape, including cell and gene therapies, has the potential to significantly impact your plan. Preparing for these therapies is critical to best support your members and to make informed decisions for your plan.
Download our guide outlining 5 steps you can take to prepare for a data-driven discussion on your gene therapy strategy.

Advocacy for access to lower cost, quality care
We develop strategies that inform meaningful, sustainable policy solutions on a wide range of health care issues. Our specialty solutions address the access and availability of biosimilars in the public eye, navigating state-level issues.
We advocate for our clients and identify upcoming alternative solutions to remain compliant with new legislation, all the while retaining their options in how they want to manage their health care spend.

- Office of Emerging Therapeutics Reporting as of Jan 2022
- American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures 2024
- AAMC “New AAMC Report Shows Continuing Projected Physician Shortage”, March 2024
- 2023 ESI DTR client sample for plans enrolled for pharmacy benefit coverage with ESI in 2022 and 2023. Potential per member per month (PMPM) savings depends on level of aggressiveness.
- 2023 Evernorth Specialty Data
- 2021 Evernorth Specialty Data - Analytic & Reporting Consolidation
- Accredo BoB data, 2022 and 2016-2022. Total includes manufacturer and charitable programs
- Adherence Course Correct 6 month PDC analysis 2023