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Evernorth Behavioral Health

Personalizing and improving care through proactive mental and behavioral health solutions

Ignoring behavioral health conditions is a costly mistake.

Data is fragmented. Access to care is limited. Health equity and cultural concerns are often overlooked. When your members’ health is on the line, navigating behavioral health care without the right partner can have expensive consequences.

Up to 6x higher total health care costs for people with comorbid behavioral and physical health conditions.1

1. Internal Evernorth analysis performed 2022. Associated medical and pharmacy cost savings are over a 15-month period following treatment for a new behavioral health diagnosis in the US. Results may vary and savings are not guaranteed.

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1 in 5

adults experience mental illness each year2

2. CDC. “About Mental Health.” Last reviewed April 25, 2023.

9 in 10

adults with a behavioral condition also suffer from a physical health condition—with costs up to 3x higher3,4

3. Mental Health America (MHA). “The State of Mental Health in America." 2023 Report.
4. Evernorth Analytics, 2023 claims data; 2024. Results  may vary.


 of adults with a mental illness do not get treatment5

5. Mental Health America. “Access to Care Data 2022 | Mental Health America (” Last accessed 2022.

Man pondering

Your members are facing a lot

What if we could identify behavioral health issues—before your members even know they have them—and guide them to the care they need? 

 The good news is, we can.  

Three adults having a roundtable discussion

We’re breaking boundaries to make behavioral health what it should be. Simple, proactive, fast and personalized.

At Evernorth® Health Services, our ability to connect advanced data and services across medical, pharmacy and behavioral health empowers us to proactively direct members to the care they need, when they need it. We do this all while providing you with insights that drive both quality care and cost savings.

Doug Nemecek Headshot (2024)
Doug Nemecek, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Behavioral Health, Evernorth Health Services
The mind and body are intertwined. Behavioral health conditions are associated with increased intensity of physical health problems, which drives increased costs.

Up to $2.5K in savings for individuals who are newly diagnosed with a behavioral condition receive treatment.6

6. Internal Evernorth analysis performed 2022. Associated medical and pharmacy cost savings are over a 15-month period following treatment for a new behavioral health diagnosis in the US. Results may vary and savings are not guaranteed.

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First available appointment targeted within three business days

“I was immediately able to get scheduled with one of the providers given to me.”*

*These stories are based on actual customer experiences. Information has been changed to protect privacy. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Customer results will vary.

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Eva Borden portrait
Eva Borden
President of Behavioral Health
Evernorth Health Sciences
By connecting all the data within medical, pharmacy, and behavioral health, we have a unique opportunity to identify people early on, and engage them in the care that matches them to improve results.

Our approach is different—and reduces time to behavioral care

Deeper data analysis

Tapping into the full power of Evernorth Health Services, we harness extensive medical, pharmacy and behavioral health data with intelligent predictive modeling—empowering us to engage with members as early in their care journey as possible.

Broadest behavioral care

From providing support for critical health needs to guiding the treatment of ongoing behavioral health issues, we help work towards the unique goals of every member and client we serve, ensuring continuity of care every step of the way.

Human connection

While led by tech, we put humanity at the center of our offerings. Individuals can access health care by chat, phone or video—whatever works for them. We are the only provider that delivers in-the-moment, anytime access to thousands of live behavioral health professionals. 

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Licensed clinicians available 24/7/365

“Thank you so much for talking to me. It was really helpful to have real and tangible support.”*

*These stories are based on actual customer experiences. Information has been changed to protect privacy. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Customer results will vary.

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Reinventing human-centered care

Personalizing and improving care experiences through dedicated mental and behavioral health support is our North Star. We take a hands-on, human-centered approach to care, treating each member on their terms to guide them every step of the way.
Always on

Live licensed clinicians available 24/7/365 — by phone or click-on-demand.

Most available. Most diverse. 

Always-on excellence delivered by 376K+ providers,7 including:

36% in providers identifying as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) over past 3 years

45% in network-reported specialty focus on LGBTQ issues over the past 3 years

545+ designated Center of Excellence facilities7

7. Center of Excellence designation is a partial assessment of quality and cost-efficiency and should not be the only basis for decision-making (as such measures have a risk of error). Individuals are encouraged to consider all relevant factors and talk with their physician about selecting a health care facility. Quality designations and ratings found in Evernorth Health Services’ online provider directory is not a guarantee of the quality of care that will be provided to individual patients. Providers are solely responsible for any treatment provided and are not agents of Evernorth Health Services.

Easily accessible

First available appointment targeted within 3 business days.

Behavioral and Mental Health Solutions

We partner with you to match the right solutions to your members’ unique needs.

Our diverse, specialized programs can accommodate the high-risk and condition-specific needs of your entire population. Our expanded national network of facilities, includes in- and out-patient professionals, as well as virtual and digital providers, to deliver the right care at the right time, wherever your members may be.

Minimize missed work and reduce medical costs by adding this supplemental service to your plan.

Crisis support, 24/7/365

Robust mental health and substance use care

Proactively identifies high-risk members

Customizable to specific needs

Online tools, digital coaching, peer support services

best friend

24/7 confidential assistance supports mental health in the workplace, life challenges, well-being, and productivity.

Our critical incident stress management and wellness seminars serve organizations by addressing workplace concerns and disruptive, critical events.

Crisis triage

No-cost phone consultations and short-term counseling (virtual or in-person)

Referrals to financial, legal, and daily life resources and community services

Online resources and digital interfaces to webcast portal and B2B microsite



Woman on laptop talking to healthcare worker

Sometimes, taking the first step toward finding support is the hardest part of an employee’s care journey. Members may not know what they need or how to find it. Confide is here to change that by making it easier for members to find the right care.

Connect 24/7 via click to chat and telephonic access with a live and dedicated Care Navigator  

Ongoing navigation support, provider search, appointment scheduling and seamless coordination 

Digital self-guided tools to address stress and resiliency, such as cognitive behavioral therapy 

100% follow-up after the conversation to ensure the member has been connected to the support they need 

Man sits at home with laptop

Evernorth guided behavioral health uses a data-informed approach to proactively identify, engage and guide members to the right level of behavioral care, quickly-all while providing measurement and quality outcomes that drive cost savings.

Data informed early identification

Omni-channel interaction and engagement

Customized assessments that help tailor individual care pathways

Quality care delivered digitally, in person and virtually

Lower total health care costs through improved outcomes

Guided, concierge support every step of the way

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Evernorth inMynd® complements your existing traditional employee assistance programs (EAPs) or other wellness initiatives with medication-focused education and member support tools to create a holistic, comprehensive approach to mental health care.

Medication counseling through proactive Therapeutic Resource Center pharmacist outreach

Member educational materials to provide mental health resources and promote initial adherence to medication 

Increased visibility to health care providers regarding mental health prescriptions

Medication management to drive proper utilization and address potential over-utilization

Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT)*

*flexibility to partner with Evernorth’s Digital Health Formulary® preferred vendor, or client’s own existing vendor

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We’re there every step of the way

“You really have helped me a lot since day one. These check-in calls have been really beneficial.”*

*These stories are based on actual customer experiences. Information has been changed to protect privacy. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Customer results will vary.

More appointments. More diversity. More options to connect.

“I did find a provider and had my first session. You have been very helpful and I appreciate it."*

*These stories are based on actual customer experiences. Information has been changed to protect privacy. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Customer results will vary.

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Explore more about behavioral health
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Together, let's continue to push boundaries, question norms and create better experiences.
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